Let's Shake Hands with the Undead Lich
Play along with the Dead Wars campaign on your own, in this exciting adventure that continues Season 3. Play time is estimated at 2-3 hours.
Setup for the adventure:
A powerful lich has recently made his presence known to Kingdom Grand. He proclaims himself to be Lord Demon Skull and he, alone, has the power to create homunculi (living creatures without a soul). The factions have sent word to him, asking him to become an ally to their cause. This party will be the first to strike out and negotiate in-person with the terribly powerful lich, and possibly uncover his dark secrets.
The file download is a PDF file, sized 8.5 inches wide by 11 inches high. It's mostly black-and-white, so it should print well on a home printer. 22 pages in total, plus printable maps.