About Us

Hello, Welcome to We Geek Together! We are a Tavern unlike any you have seen before, Our tavern offers an open play and DM hosted games of D&D, allowing D&D parties to have a easily accessible place to play D&D and just Geek Out! This way players can take their game from their mother’s basement, into the open world.

In order to make this tavern a reality, we couldn’t do it alone. So we reached out to local artisans to support their work and allow them a space to sell their geeky wares. This includes some of our own Leather Crafted Armor, LARP weapons, D&D environment candles and so much more. We are a community of Geeks creating a save environment for all geeks or those who are interested in learning more about D&D. We welcome all, new and experienced, to enter our tavern.

Create your fantasy. Live the adventure.

Our mission statement is Create your fantasy. Live the adventure.  We love helping people have amazing experiences with tabletop gaming and everything adjacent to it.

The Story of We Geek Together

The Ashby Family

We are the Ashby Family, our family have been raised by Geeks. Even as kids our family always was willing to show our geeky side to the world. From themed costumes to family LARP's in the woods. Here, is a little of our Geeky History!

Our family has always had a love for all things geeky, from LOTR, Star Wars, to Harry Potter, and D&D. Everyone started developing different interests, such as Leather Crafting, 3-D Printing, and D&D of course. Despite everyone's different interests we all found a way to still geek together.

Humble Beginnings

We Geek Together was officially formed, and in early summer of 2020 we had our first booth space in Evermore park.

We sold many of our hand made products like Leather Armor, Leather and Cloth Face Masks, and a variety of 3-D Printed table top accessories. Over the next 2 years we would develop our personality and products. We started getting to know the Geek community and got to meet many other small businesses who we very quickly made friends with such as Sea Dragon Gove, GMDICE and many other small vendors.

We realized that We Geek Together was not just a family term, but grew into a community 'Geeking' together.

First Store Opening

In 2022, Our small business way outgrew our humble fold out table. We reserved booths at the Renaissance fare, Fan-X, and many local events. Shortly after started advertising on social media such as Tik Tok, many in the D&D community showed their support.

This support allowed us to open our geek tavern in the Provo town Centre Mall in November 19th of 2022.

Merging with SeaDragon Cove

It was at Evermore that the Ashbys met the Nate and Jennifer Mellen, who also ran a vendor booth called SeaDragon Cove.  They sold 3D-printed dragons, ocarinas, laser-engraved coasters and decor, and leather hair wraps.

Jennifer is an award-winning illustrator with a creative mind burgeoning with ideas, and Nate is a charismatic and captivating salesman. Together, they make a great team!

The two companies merged on August 1, 2023.

Merging with GMDICE and Valiant Candle

In 2024, We Geek Together merged with GMDICE, which has been in business since 2008 selling polyhedral dice and other tabletop gaming accessories. 

Kevin, the owner of GMDICE, made a great leap forward in 2019 with the development of scented candles specifically made to improve the immersive quality and experience of playing tabletop role-playing games, as a way to try to make some extra money to go on a choir trip to Europe with his wife, Chelsea.

The candles proved to be a great success!  With scents like Wizard's Library, Dragon's Blood, and Dwarven Tavern, this helped distinguish the company in the market (and it was a lot of fun coming up with new designs, too!)

The Ashby family reached out to Kevin and asked to sell the candles in their booth at Evermore, and we've been happily working together ever since.

Kevin's sister, Shauna, and her husband, Rob, were visiting him in Utah with their kids from Maryland, and he showed them the candle business.  He showed them how to make candles, and everybody got to make one.  It was a lot of fun, and they wanted to do it more!  So, the two families created a new business, Valiant Candle, which made candles for tabletop games, books, movies, and other stuff that they liked to geek out together on.  Between the two families, they have fifteen kids!

On April 1, 2024, Valiant Candle and GMDICE officially merged with We Geek Together, becoming part of the greater geek family.

And Thank You!

Regardless of our locations, whether in our Brick and Mortar, or our fold out table we do all our best to draw people into an experience, through leather crafts, liars dice or TTRPG tables in our store.

We heartily agree that the rising tide floats all boats and strive to work to help other quality artisans. This is where ‘We Geek Together’ takes on a whole new meaning. We love our collaborations with local artisans like Chris of 3D Cloud Print, Sea Dragon Cove, Ravensmoon, The Feathered Alchemist, NightRaven Beverage Co, Shielded Empire, GMDICE, Brandon the Blacksmith, Caden of Dwarven Fire and more.

So we invite everyone to ‘Geek Together’ with us as we strive to help you ‘create your fantasy’ through our leather costuming and ‘live the adventure’ through our gaming establishment

But wait, there's more!

Check out some of these special collections of D&D-themed stuff.

The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly of DMing

A chat with Andy and Rhees about what it's like being a Dungeon Master.